3/4″ Stamoid Vinyl Binding White

SKU: 754128W

¾” 2 edge turned Stamoid marine binding is made from Stamoid marine fabric. Both sides are bonded to provide a finished edge. The binding is cut on the bias and electronically sealed so that seams do not separate and is flexible so it turns sharp corners easily.

Stamoid® is a registered trademark of The Serge Ferrari Group.

Item number:  N/A

Manufacturer: Serge Ferrari

Warranty: N/A


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¾” 2 edge turned Stamoid marine binding is made from Stamoid marine fabric. Both sides are bonded to provide a finished edge. The binding is cut on the bias and electronically sealed so that seams do not separate and is flexible so it turns sharp corners easily.

  • Fabric: Stamoid®
  • Cut: Bias
  • Edges Turned: 2
  • Put Up: 100 yd.
  • Width: ¾”